Live it up!

When people speak of “living it up” they often refer to a selfish lifestyle that aims at grabbing all life has to offer in terms of pleasure, luxury, or power. When Jesus calls His followers to “live it up,” He is talking about a whole new quality of life. It is a life of true earthly abundance followed by heavenly treasure. How does one lay up treasure in heaven? What is the nature of that treasure and what is its heavenly purpose. If you have been looking for a book or small group study that will challenge you to a radical new way of approaching life and preparing for eternity this is it. This book will change the way you view everyday events. The biblical teaching and modern day stories will inspire and challenge you to invest your life and not spend it.

The following FREE RESOURCES are available. Feel free to download any of these resources for your use.

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  • Live It Up! Leader Guide: DOC
  • Live It Up! Member Guide: DOCX
  • Live It Up! Listening Sheet 1 Worksheet: DOCX
  • Live It Up! Listening Sheet 1 Answers: DOCX

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